Saturday, December 24, 2011

Red Sea NOPOX.

So here's a topic which has inspired me to return to my blog:  Carbon Dosing.  I have been using Red Sea NOPOX and it lowered my nitrates to an undetectable level.  Unfortunately, it did nothing for my phosphates even though it claims it is a complete system that can control both.  I used PO4x4 to bring my phosphates down as well and now I plan to run a multi-month study to turn the NOPOX off and on several times and see how it affects the nitrate and phosphate levels.  The question right now is whether or not NOPOX alone can keep nitrate and phosphate levels balanced now that I have brought them both down to low levels.

This is a major shift in philosophy for me.  I have long believed in "KISS" and a reliance on the Berlin System without modification, but this summer and fall I ran into trouble with cyano and was searching for a solution.  By focusing on reducing nitrate and phosphate to levels found in nature I have successfully eradicated the cyano, but I was only able to do so by starting a carbon dosing regimen and adding a small reactor with PO4x4.  This opens up a whole new area that I have not explored:  ULNS or Ultra Low Nutrient Systems.  It's not new to the hobby, but it's new to me so stand by for lots more data ; )


Be sure to check out my latest video taken with my iPhone.  Personally I can't believe the quality I can get from a simple tool like the iPhone (or perhaps not so simple!)