So if you're the type that enjoys "SchadenFreude" then you'll love this . . . my favorite coral of all time, the Oregon Tort, has gotten sick. Call it "white tip disease" or just slow death it wasn't happy so I took the chance and broke it out of the tank to dip it in Coral Revive and frag it into as many pieces as I could. Much of the frags are pale and so I think sick, but the piece I put back is still dark navy, but only time will tell if this will work or not. Hopefully at least a couple of the frags will live. The silver lining if there is one, is that I have lots more room to add the ORA Pearlberry and Ice Fire Echinata in premium position now. I'm including a couple crappy photos just so everyone can see what I'm talking about. Funny thing is all the other corals are looking superb . . . .