Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's up and running . . .

 I finally seem to be getting this all together.  Today's trouble is a brown coral.  Seems something is wrong because my "Christmas Tree" is losing a lot of it's best colors and I have no idea why.  First was a water change and some carbon, next will be a slight lighting adjustment.  It was coincidental with the addition of the LEDs, but no other coral is showing any change so I'm stumped for the moment.  Unfortunately as with everything else in this hobby I expect it will take weeks to figure out.  Good news is the Echinata is coloring up quickly!

The bigger news is almost tragic. . . I had been up for RC TOTM but because of my stupidity and impatience I lost it.  I posted pictures that were intended for the article on the internet and allowed my tank to be "featured" on another site.  Both actions were a clear violation of the RC TOTM policy, but at the time I thought the posts would be so few and buried that RC wouldn't notice or care and when asked me if the could "spotlight" my YouTube video, I totally misinterpreted what that meant.  I thought it meant my video would be used on some thread about video making not that my tank would appear on the banner for  In hindsight I was woefully naive, but such is life . . . live and learn.

Hopefully, RC will give me a second chance in years to come.

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